116 N. Main Street, PO Box 1171, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1171
(920) 322-8778, grants@fdlawomensfund.org
Adopted November 12, 2024
The Women’s Fund promotes positive change in the lives of Fond du Lac area women and girls through grants to local 501(c)3 organizations for programs consistent with its mission; engages women in philanthropy; and creates community understanding of the strengths and challenges of Fond du Lac area women and girls.
The Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund will consider awarding grants to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations for programs or projects primarily targeted to benefit women and/or girls in the Fond du Lac area that align with any of our five pillars:
- Health and Well-Being
- Leadership Development
- Safety, Dignity, and Freedom from Violence
- Education
- Economic Self-Sufficiency
To be eligible for a grant:
- Your program/project must be consistent with the funding priorities of the Women’s Fund
- Your program/project must primarily benefit women or girls in the Fond du Lac area
- Your organization must be a tax-exempt, non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 organization
- Your grant application must be complete
Grants will generally not be awarded in the following instances:
- Capital campaigns, individuals, or endowments
- National and statewide umbrella organizations that cannot demonstrate a local presence
- New staff positions without a substantial plan for sustainability
- Religious organizations for religious purposes
- Retroactive projects
- Political parties, candidates, or partisan activities
- Event sponsorships for events not tied to a specific initiative or program of the Women’s Fund
- Co-educational programs that do not clearly communicate a specific and unique focus on women and girls
- Debt reduction or operational deficits
- Supplanting funds
- General operating expenses or overhead (except as a realistic, necessary component of a project budget)
- Interim or bridge funding
December 1st, 2024: Community Catalyst Grant and Strategic Grant Applications available online
January 31st, 2025: All Year End reports are due for prior year FDLAWF grant recipients
February 1st, 2025: Community Catalyst and Strategic Grant Applications are due. Interviews with organizations submitting completed applications will be scheduled if needed.
March 2025: Recommendation of funding disbursement is given to the board for final approval at the March Board meeting
March 2025: Checks are dispersed and organizations are invited to PoP
April 23rd, 2025: Power of the Purse luncheon; Grantees/partners may be invited to be celebrated at the event
Grant applications are to be submitted via the online portal below. Incomplete applications will not be accepted and the grant application portal does not allow you to save a partial draft. When preparing to submit your grant application, we recommend that you have the following information readily available:
- The legal entity name of the organization
- The address of the organization
- The contact person for the grant
- The name of the program or project
- The amount requested for the grant
- The duration of the project with start and end dates
- The date by which funds are needed
- The date the agency or organization was established
- The number of full-time equivalent employees
- The purpose of the grant (special program/project, start-up costs, technical assistance, general operating, education, economic/financial self-sufficiency, leadership development, safety, dignity, and freedom from violence, or other (please specify))
- A project budget outlining expenses for personnel/stipends, office and supplies, travel and meals, training expenses, printing and public relations, and other. The budget section will also require you to share the total project budget and outline other revenue sources for the project and additional in-kind sources for this project.
Grants will be reviewed by the Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund Grants Committee. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Grant applicants will be notified of their grant status by.
All applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Scoring Guide (per area addressed):
– 4 points – exceptional, exceeds expectations
– 3 points – above average, slightly above expectations
– 2 points – average, meets expectations
– 1 point – below average, below expectations
– 0 points – unacceptable, no evidence
Grant Details (32 possible points)
- The agency is a 501(c)3 non-profit serving Fond du Lac County
- The mission and current services have been stated effectively
- The number of staff and volunteers seems sufficient to ensure the success of the program
- The grant amount requested reasonably matches the number of people to be served
- At least one funding priority is identified
- The program/project summary adequately explains the overall intent
- The agency appears to be fiscally sound
- The agency structure and governing body appear stable and sufficient
Community Need and Collaboration (12 possible points)
- There is evidence that the program/project is needed to address issues concerning the needs of women and girls
- The program/project aligns with the Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund funding priorities and grantee effectively explains the relationship
- The program/project addresses diversity, equity, and inclusion
Goals, Outcomes, and Objectives (16 possible points)
- The stated goals are clearly defined
- The outcomes are achievable and measurable and show a direct correlation to the funding priority/priorities
- The objective(s) are articulated well, are measurable, and are related to the goal(s)
- The implementation plan for addressing the need/problem is reasonable and achievable
Target population (16 possible points)
- The target population is clearly identified
- The project/program maximizes the number of women/girls serviced directly and indirectly
- Women/girls with other marginalized identities will benefit from the project/program
- The applicant demonstrates meaningful collaborations with other agencies and organizations
The program has been identified as a priority in the Fond du Lac Area (4 possible points)
Grantees will complete and submit evaluation forms throughout the year and may be asked to present a program evaluation at a Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund Board meeting. All grant activities are to take place within the grant cycle. Future grant applications will not be considered if grantee responsibilities are not met.
The Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund will not consider race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical and mental ability or attributes, religious or ethical values systems, national origin, and political beliefs when making grant decisions nor will funding continue for grantees who are found to be discriminatory.